How to get over jet lag.
One of the problems of travelling for 10 hours to the other side of the world is jet lag. Getting off to sleep was no problem, waking every couple of hours and looking out for the sunrise was. However, our super son-in-law is so practiced in the art of getting over this problem that he suggested we should get some Nevada sunshine and have a walk down the canyon.
With GPS in hand and a map of where to find plastic boxes, we went through the back gate off the estate/gated community and out into the canyon. With the Red Rock mountains in the distance and a man made walk way through Cottonwood Canyon we set off. We had warned Eddie about the dangers of delving into dark, little hidey holes and so called caves. Deadly spiders and scorpions, snakes and other creatures out to cause death and disaster. Fearlessly he stopped every now and again to climb up over rocks and stick his hand into a crevice. Meanwhile, we stood back ready to call 911 for emergency services and some antidote for snake and spider bits. Meanwhile, I stood and looked and listened to the birdsong. I even managed to spot a hummingbird and a rock wren. Fantastic.
Caching safely done we arrived at the local Starbucks. Mike was greeted like a long lost friend, well he is a frequent customer. After sitting in the sun (yes, warm sun. Sorry England) we had the first visit to a supermarket. My eyes popped out when I saw cereal at $6 for a small box. 'Sympathetic' cream on huge cakes and other random stuff that I would have a clue what to do with it.
So jet lag or know you have to fool the body into thinking that the 'clock' says time for lunch. Helen is about to start work at The Cheesecake Factory at Ceasars Palace. To give us the Cheesecake Factory experience we were taken to a CF near their home. Helen was quite critical of the service commenting on the rules that weren't followed according to CF rules and regulartions. Nice meal but a shame about the service. Yeah, and I did put a review on Trip Advisor.
Home for a nap before going onto the Strip. We were very lucky to be bought tickets to see a show 'La Reve' at the Wynn. As we had time before the show we were taken on a tour of one of two of the local casinos/hotels starting with the Venetian Hotel. My word, posh shops and the canals of Venice complete with gondoliers singing in 'bathroom like' acoustics. We declined the chance of a gondolier ride as it costs about $20 per person. Mind you there was much discussion about how the gondoliers were being manouvered. We even spotted Pavoritti on his balcony. It really was a whole different world.
How better a way to end the day than to put the roof down on the Mustang (known by the happy couple as Mussy) and drive down the strip taking in all the bright light, the razzle and dazzle and night life of this amazing place.
Wow, sounds amazing! Say hi to Helen for me and tell her she has to stay out there until I can afford to come and visit! xx