About Me

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I've crafted for years and years then an opportunity presented itself to turn a hobby into a business. I love the creative freedom I now have. My long term plan is to pass on my passion to others. Look out for my workshops and children's parties. Crafts include: knitting, crochet, sewing, smocking, bobbin lacemaking, sugarcraft flowers, cake making, kanzashi flowers. Looking for something special find me on Folksy.com Just type Blossombutton into the search engine.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Going off Strip

Thursday, 7th February 
Splitting the Atom

Well the sun is still shining and I need the suncream.  Today we went dress shopping.  That is to say, Helen has found a dress that she really, really likes so we went to the Bowtie Bridal Boutique so she could try it on and let me see it, and I suspect, give it my approval.  I have never been in a shop where there were so many dresses.  Lauren has been the girl helping Helen with her choices and they chose well. The dress is very Helen and perfect. All that needs to be done is to have a few feet trimmed off the hem, cos we're only little you know.  

Summer Park, Las Vegas
We dropped Eddie off on the way to the shop so that he could go caching, of course, in a local park, the Sunshine Park.   He said the park was very well set out and plenty of sporting facilities and places for dog walking.  He even found two travel bugs (ask a geocacher if you don't understand). The one disadvantage was that there was no cafe. 

Having completed the morning mission it was a couple of miles down the road to the Atomic Testing Museum.  Unfortunately, this place doesn't have a cafe although there are some vending machines.  Being as canny as we are we did take some sandwiches and had a bit of a picnic in the carpark which worked out fine.

We'd been warned off going to the Area 51 exhibition and having looked at the reviews I'm glad we didn't.  The Atomic Testing Museum is interesting in terms of the history behind the development of the Atomic Bomb, the characters behind it and was heavily slanted towards how America has saved humankind.  

Overall, it was okay but there was far too much reading of display boards.  The most exciting part was the Ground Zero Theater (Yes I have spelt it correctly) Could be a little frightening for youngsters. Some old guy, Sam  a volunteer guide seems to have be involved in the testing back in the 1940.  I think we threw him when we said we were English.  He suddenly went quiet as he struggled to find anything to chat to us about. 

It was an interesting museum but too much information to take on board.  There were some interactive items to indulge in but there was also a lot of information missing such as how this technology had advance humankind today.  What about the impact of the atomic testing on the environment  and the people originally involved.  I wouldn't recommend it for young children.  

Just so we don't forget our lives back home look what turned up. Even an British number place.  

So another day ends with homemade burgers and rolls with spicy sweet potato fries (Mikey's secret recipe that is in his head and will not be divulged to anyone, expect Adrian). 

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