About Me

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I've crafted for years and years then an opportunity presented itself to turn a hobby into a business. I love the creative freedom I now have. My long term plan is to pass on my passion to others. Look out for my workshops and children's parties. Crafts include: knitting, crochet, sewing, smocking, bobbin lacemaking, sugarcraft flowers, cake making, kanzashi flowers. Looking for something special find me on Folksy.com Just type Blossombutton into the search engine.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Spring is in the air

Anyone noticed the days are beginning to open out again.  Hurray, no more dark mornings making it impossible to get out of a warm, cosy bed.  I can even let the chickens out to play when I'm digging out the weeds.  
The reason for me talking about the spring is that we went out to Kelmarsh Hall to the snowdrop weekend.  Kelmarsh Hall is situated in the little Northampton shire village of Kelmarsh.  They hold various events throughout the year and I even had to check to ask about craft fairs in anticipation of being able to get a stall. 
The snowdrops are beautiful.  The only problem is that they hang their heads down so you can't see the pretty centres.   The other thing I noticed were the beautiful colours and texture be it of trees, flowers or the litchen on the trees.  If only I could produce creative embroidery the effects would be brilliant. 


We've had a birthday in the family this last week.  Now being a crafter I'm not that like to buy something mass produced.  So off to the material cupboard. Using pink polka dot material and Laura Ashley roses I produced this lovely notebook cover.  Had to say I was quite pleased and complimented with an appropriate pen made a lovely gift.  Now to produce some for Folksy.com/blossombutton.  Will let you know when they are available.  Would make a great gift for Easter, Mothers Day or birthday. 

Okay, better check the chickens to see if I have any eggs.  Happy crafting folks. 

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