About Me

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I've crafted for years and years then an opportunity presented itself to turn a hobby into a business. I love the creative freedom I now have. My long term plan is to pass on my passion to others. Look out for my workshops and children's parties. Crafts include: knitting, crochet, sewing, smocking, bobbin lacemaking, sugarcraft flowers, cake making, kanzashi flowers. Looking for something special find me on Folksy.com Just type Blossombutton into the search engine.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Narrowboats or Barges?

And yet another Monday.  Valentines Day and I love you all.  I don't get the ubiquitous cards, roses, champagne and chocolate as, and I quote, "Every day is Valentines Day".  

No photos this week to illuminate the blog as we are in the middle of nowhere on our narrowboat.  62ft of comfort and warmth.  It's a bit like being a snail carrying your home with you wherever you go.  The great thing is that we meet such interesting people with fantastic stories to tell.  But thats for another day.  It does mean that we literally get away from it all.  If you can get a mobile signal you are very lucky.  So luck must be on my side whilst I write this blog.

On this weeks to do list is finishing reading 'The Savage Garden' by Mark Mills.  This was my book of choice for the book group that I set up at the beginning of February.    I'll do a review once completed.  So far  an intriguing read.

The second item on the list is to complete the four components of a special jumper I am knitting.  There I was happily knitting 20" of a mix of moss stitch and stocking stitch.  The end was in sight, eyelet holes were in place 3 row left to do.  A cry of despair went up.   NOOOOOOOO!  I had miscounted one stitch for the last 10" (25cm).  Oh easy, unpick down the one stitch and repair back to the top.  It didn't work.  So only option was to unravel down to the error and knit up again.  Philosophically, wouldn't life be great if you could just unravel things. An inappropriate comment, a glare, a unkind thought or action.  Best option is to keep on eye on things, take care, pay attention and always give of your best.

Final thought.  Have you been able to answer the question in the header.  A barge carries cargo and a narrowboat is a home/leisure craft.  Simple.  Have a good week folk.  Look forward to your comments and pass the word around about my blog.

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