About Me

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I've crafted for years and years then an opportunity presented itself to turn a hobby into a business. I love the creative freedom I now have. My long term plan is to pass on my passion to others. Look out for my workshops and children's parties. Crafts include: knitting, crochet, sewing, smocking, bobbin lacemaking, sugarcraft flowers, cake making, kanzashi flowers. Looking for something special find me on Folksy.com Just type Blossombutton into the search engine.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Viva Las Vegas

Okay folks, here's a head up of what's to come.  We're off on the jolly old holidays again.  Ten hours of flying over the great, big pond to see the brights light.  To be honest we're desperate to see our lovely daughter, Helen and her husband (always want to put boyfriend).

Helen left for the big country last September.  I lost my shopping pal and someone to have a moan with.  Now is my chance to satisfy my need for female company whilst experiencing another 'cultural' experience that is Las Vegas.

Keep coming back to check up on what and where.  You never know Elvis may even pop up at the Cheesecake Factory at Ceasars Palace.  Rock'n'roll peps.

Look out for photos of this.  Just think Virtual Geocache.

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