A calm on the Maderian Front
Day 2
So the case were unpacked and we are loving the view from the balcony. After an very hearty breakfast of fresh fruit, yoghurt, scrambled eggs, cute little sausages and an endless supply of beautiful pastries and bread we set off to get Eddie a pair of sandals. Bit of a problem in the packing department on my part. You always get that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you've left something behind. Anyway, he needed a pair of new sandles as the last pair were bought during the Second World War, I'm sure.
My one fear was that the shops would be shut being a Sunday. Why did I have this fear? It may be a Catholic Country but economics dictate that shops will open and sell in order to help the economic well being of Portugal.. I always find it really strange that C&A still exists in some parts of the world even Maderia. However, although they had some very nice, super cheap shorts for his lordship there were no sandals. However, the Maderian equivalent of JB Sport was able to come up with the good and so some new trendy, all terrain footwear was purchased together with a new Baseball cap, without gratuitous advertising, was also purchased to cover the poor old mans pate.
A stroll back along a well known and well trod route bought us to a coffee shop. Well you have to keep up your fluid intake. Okay, I know coffee is a diuretic. Nice coffee shop and loved the fancy cup with accompanying walnut biscuit.
Having used up all our energy the rest of the day was spent catching up on blogging and reading our Carte Blanche by Jeffrey Deaver (James Bond in his 30s) and I'm working my way through Prue Leiths 'The Choir' Yes she writes books and cooks. Amazing.
There were two, possibly three high spots of the day. One was the case of the captured cat. Cats are a major problem on the island and despite sttempts at neutering kitten still appear as if by magic. The hotel cat had managed to produce a little of the cutest little kittens. I'll try and get a photo of them if they can stay still long enough. The hotel are trying desperately to capture the kittens and get them adoptedL. A group of delightful or not so delightful childen who were having a celebration lunch for their first communion and baptism, thought it would be fun to chase this poor little kitty cats. One such kitten was trapped in a cage which had been set up for the purpose of moving them on, The dear children, however, had other idea and having moved the trap out into the garden were desperately trying to release said kitten back into the garden. Its quite amazing how animated people can get where animals are concerned. Safe to say, trapped kitten was placed into a box as the children had agreed with the parent to adopt the kitty and take it home. However, kitty had other idea and proceed to scratch her way out. She is now back with her mother.

One of the joys of holidays here at Porta Mare is the Happy Hour. Yeah, way to go, cocktails at half price. Cocktail of the day 'Harvey Warbanger'. Don't know what was it in but seemed like a lot of brandy and orange juice. Yummy delicious and delightful before a Maderian night buffet with wine of course. Never knew that strawberries and pineapple dipped under a chocolate fountain was Maderian. It was very scrummy though.
One of the great things about coming back here is that we meet up again with people who we have come to regard as old friends. One of those friends is Cindy Padero. She is the entertainments person and has been here years and year. Cindy always greats us as long lost family with hugs and kisses. I'm thinking of making her one of our adoptive children. We don't even need to remind her as to who we are, she just sees us and thinks 'Geocachers'. Don't know where she gets that idea from. Well actually one of her neighbours is a cacher on the island and has set up quite a few of the caches on this side of the island.
And finally, as the night draws to a close. There was a minor panic when we thought we'd have a cup of tea about 4.00 pm. Where were the teabags which I had secreted from the officials in my packing? Took them to breakfast and, silly me, left them on the table. Don't worry folks, the staff had put them to oneside and they were waiting for me when we went to dinner. What wonderful staff.