About Me

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I've crafted for years and years then an opportunity presented itself to turn a hobby into a business. I love the creative freedom I now have. My long term plan is to pass on my passion to others. Look out for my workshops and children's parties. Crafts include: knitting, crochet, sewing, smocking, bobbin lacemaking, sugarcraft flowers, cake making, kanzashi flowers. Looking for something special find me on Folksy.com Just type Blossombutton into the search engine.

Monday, 7 March 2011

To buy handmade or not to buy handmade.

There is nothing that personally gives me more pleasure than selling one of my creations and receiving positive feedback.  But I don't handmake just for the sake of it but because I believe that every creative person puts a little bit of themselves into each item.  This makes the items that little bit special.  No two items are the same. Why? Because they are handmade.  No mass produced, cheap import.  I've nothing against cheap imports as long as they treat their workers fairly and pay them a wage that they can live on and safe working conditions.  

When ever possible I do try to purchase Fairtrade products. Fairtrade covers better prices, good working conditions and sustainability for the farmers and working in the developing world.  In essence though they are looking at commodity products.  Support Fairtrade during Fairtrade fortnight. 

www.ukhandmade.co.uk - Buy Handmade

We should also be supporting our own creative talent. And that is why it is important that we support independent designers and makers in the UK.  UKHandmade.co.uk is launching a campaign to get people buying handmade. 

I know that every item I produce is not just a piece of material but an item where a little bit of me has gone in too.  I do it to make people feel good about themselves, to find that individual items that says something special.  The item may be for yourself, a special friends or as a way of reminding someone how much you appreciate/love/miss them.  

Strawberries & Cream giveaway
As I like to practice what I preach I'm launching my first ever 'GIVEAWAY'. The proof of the pudding is in the eating or in this case in the winning of one packet of my ' babysock muffins.  The strawberries and cream' packet contains two pairs of baby socks, 0-6 months.  And yes, they do look good enough to eat. 

In order to claim the prize all you need to do is tell me why you should win them.  You can gain an extra entry by following me on Twitter @Blossombuttons.  Getting really excited now and looking forward to all your comments.  And a big thank you to those of you who follow me.  Have a good week. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I should win the cute baby socks so I can take them to a baby shower being held for my best friend next week, she'd love these!
