In the beginning was Granny Dand was always knitting on thin needles creating the most beautiful knitted lace items. And my mum unravelling old jumpers, making them up into skeins, washing them and then reknitting them into larger sized cardigans for us. And we think recycling is a modern invention.
I think my earliest memory is my mum trying to teach me to knit during an episode of Coronation Street, with those tiny plastic knitting needles that came in all sorts of odd colours; green, pink, and blue. I don't every remember it being difficult. Mind you, in those days most girls learnt needlework at school. I think I was about nine when started knitting a grey school scarf. Don't ever remember finishing it though.
Then there was Mrs Foulds, bless her. The best needlework teacher ever, who was so impressed by my red needlecord dress with brass buttons that I was sent to show the headmaster. I still have the buttons.
Every girls should keep the first real item they have ever created and been really proud of. Well, I needed a new outfit to start work. And so appeared this wonderful tan orange skirt, bolero and matching belt with fab tortoise shell buckle. To top it all off a brown, wide ribbed polo neck jumper. And yes, I still have that too.
And now the fourth generation of knitters is with us. Helen knits by the book. Tension is perfect and her determination to tackle some of the most difficult patterns is admirable. So too is her patience.
Being the magpie I am this brilliant Patons pattern book is in my safe keeping. I'm sure I can arrange a loan.
Why not try a new skill. Pick up those needles and start clicking.
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