Sad but true. The days are beginning to shorten, the children are going back to school, there is an autumnal nip in the air and the leaves are beginning to flutter down from the trees. Where did summer go? Last time I looked it was May and the days were warming, lengthening and the sun was shining brightly.
It has been such an eventful summer and our lives have been so full with many blessings that we haven't had time to sit and reflect. So for your pleasure and delight here are a few of the highlights since my last blog back in May (my apologies to my lovely followers for such tardiness).
Malvern show - Anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to go really must treat themselves. Don't bother with Chelsea which is packed with folk and you can't buy any plants you may want.
Trip on
Conqueror down the Lapworth Flight and round to Hatton Flight. We were lucky with the weather and as Helen was with us for the first half of the journey the Lapworth Flight was easy to do despite lots of hire boaters. Adrian and Harmony called over to pick up Helen and we even managed a canalside BBQ. Of course, that then left the oldies to go Geocaching.
June & July

These two months were more about being on 'standby' with the impending arrival of our first grandson.
Cameron William arrived on 13th July and what a big boy he was 9lb 15oz. His arrival and development could be a blog in its' own right and of course, in our eyes and his parents eyes, he is absolutely amazing.
Another hight spot for me in July was my first proper concert/gig. Take That - Progress Tour. Claire unfortunately was too pregnant to go so Helen and I went and took way too many photographs. It was amazing and never have I seen so many people in one place at Wembley Arena. There's live in the old girl yet and my singing and dancing was no more embarrassing than anyone else.

Well, been away for most of August. Spent two weeks being Nannie to Cameron and helping out his mummy which was brilliant. Even discovered the
Mudchute Farm Park which is great for small children with lots of pets to touch and feed. I'm told the Christmas trees are a good buy when the time is right. During my stay there were the London Riots some disturbance occurred just around the corner from where we were and it was pretty horrific to watch the local London News showing the appalling rioting and ridiculous, mindless behaviour of folk and I refuse to just blame the 'young people'. This was all ages, races and classes.

As big geocachers we took advantage of a trip to Swansea for the UK Mega Event. The Premier Inn in Swansea was excellent and had lovely views over the harbour. They've put a lot of work in to revitalising Swansea town centre. The photo shows a bunch of cachers we bumped into whilst out. Well actually, they are like Geocaching Royality, the reviewers and on the bottom left Jeremy Irish, the
Geocaching CEO. Look out for the two Travel Bugs (TB's) which he gave us. Very cool.
And here we are about to begin another school year and move into autumn and winter which, I have no doubt, will pass just as quickly as the summer months. Time to get thinking about
Christmas only 115 days to go. Yes, quick get those cards written. Meanwhile, I have a grandson to knit a couple of woolly jumpers for. Burrrrr. Maybe now is the time to put the heating on.